Do you ever wonder why you’re not further along in your business by now?
You’re not alone. Many handmade sellers feel stuck, spinning their wheels trying to figure out what’s missing. Let’s fix that. I want to help you create a clear, profitable path so you can finally make the money you deserve.
The next selling season is right around the corner—and if you want to boost your sales, the time to start is NOW.

nd the best way to get those sales? Selling to stores.
I've sold over $1,00,000 through stores and only half of that on my website.
Wait… aren’t online margins higher?
Yes—but here’s the reality: Online sales take more effort. We had to work harder and spend more to land each website order. Meanwhile, we could sell a big juicy order to a store in a fraction of the time.
I get it—you love making full retail when selling direct.
But here’s the trade-off:
✔️ You’ll put in the same effort to land one wholesale order as you would for one website sale.
✔️ Happy stores order again and again.
✔️ Customers who find you in a store often re-buy on your website.
✔️ Selling in stores boosts your credibility as a rockstar brand, making online customers trust you more.
It’s a win-win-win.
That’s why I put everything you need to know in one place—so you can start selling to stores the right way and avoid the costly mistakes so many handmade brands make.
Book your FREE strategy session with me today and let’s get your sales growing.
❤️ Cheri